Winter Nike football sitting on a grass pitch

Unaffiliated Football Notice

To all London FA affiliated clubs and league.

The London FA Discipline team would like to notify all our affiliated clubs and leagues that we have issued guidance on clubs playing in unaffiliated matches/competitions and the ramifications of doing so. 
To all London FA affiliated clubs and league. 
It has been reported to us that teams are failing to complete their league fixtures in order to play in competitions, or against teams that have not completed their affiliation with a County FA. 
Please note the following FA regulation to which affiliated clubs have agreed to abide to as part of the affiliation process: 
B4.1 Unaffiliated Football
Clubs, Players and Club Officials subject to the jurisdiction of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association shall not be associated with nor play with or against any club which is not a member of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association. Those who immediately prior to their association with unaffiliated football organisations were under the jurisdiction of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association, shall not be eligible to participate in football under the jurisdiction of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association without the written consent of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association.
No match between unaffiliated teams shall be played on grounds which are under the jurisdiction of Clubs which are in membership with The Association and/or an Affiliated Association.”
Where clubs are reported to us as having played in unaffiliated competitions or against unaffiliated teams may be subject to disciplinary action and charged accordingly with a failure to abide by FA regulations. 
Please be aware of the impact of not playing league fixtures. This causes huge disruption in leagues and competitions which has a detrimental impact on grassroots football. 
Furthermore, unaffiliated leagues are not subject to any regulations related to safety and security. Officials involved in such competitions cannot be mandated to have an in-date DBS which is vital for a safe playing environment for our u18 players. Furthermore, we cannot sanction leagues, teams or individuals who are unaffiliated and as such, if any misconduct occurs, we cannot penalise, suspend or take any action at all against those who engage in misconduct in unaffiliated competitions/matches. Finally, we cannot support any insurance claims if something occurs in or against unaffiliated competitions or teams. 
We urge our clubs to may sure they are only playing in affiliated football. We understand that some clubs struggle with the process and by contacting us, we can help you but to clubs who are wilfully neglecting to adhere to the regulations around affiliated football, we may need to take further action. 

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